The Redcliffe Lament


Redcliffe Lament

by Colin Hewett

 Redcliffe was a City, and a dammed fine one at that

along came Peter Beattie, who put an end, to ‘that’

Amalgamation followed, amidst our plaintive cries

and Redcliffe’s once proud city, was doomed to fail and die.

The Community lost its voice, our identity stolen away

But the LNP promised us the choice, to ‘Let the people have their say’

We voted in a member, to carry our banner high

Alas The Phantom stumbled, and left us high and dry

Our foreshores look so pretty, but the district goes to waste

The businesses are suffering, an eerie ghost town in their place

The water rates are massive, they come through pipes of gold

Now people take out bank loans, just to shower, or so I have been told.

Our council has removed itself, to places far away

It wastes our money foolishly, massive debt is their new way

This story is far from over, the people’s voices rise once more

We’re going to dump this sorry mess at the Government’s door

We will reclaim our fair City, and its place in history

A place where good people live, a place, for you and me.